Bitcoin.Study is a Bitcoin trading research and exploration website, mainly conducting Bitcoin trading analysis, Bitcoin trading strategy design, Bitcoin price trend analysis, and other major Bitcoin events. Bitcoin.Study是一个比特币交易研究探索网站,主要进行比特币交易分析,比特币交易策略设计,比特币价格趋势分析,以及其他的比特币大事件等。
彼得·希夫(Peter Schiff)警告比特币可能推翻美元
经济学家和比特币反对者彼得·希夫(Peter Schiff)对比特币和美国经济提出了重大担忧,因为该加密货币的价格创下了历史新高,超过$100,000。
Schiff 本周在社交媒体平台 X 上发布:
Ironically, bitcoin may end up destroying the dollar after all—not because it replaces the dollar as a global reserve currency, but because the U.S. government embraces bitcoin, prints trillions of dollars to buy it, and fuels a larger bubble that squanders the nation’s wealth.